Monday, July 19, 2010


Enjoy this conversation between a N1000 and a N10 note (as narrated to be by a colleaque).

A One Thousand Naira note and a Ten Naira note arrived at the Central Bank to be retired. As they moved along the conveyor belt to be burnt, they struck up a conversation. The One Thousand Naira note reminiscenced about his travels all over the county: "I've had a pretty good life,you know ", he proclaimed ;"Why? I've been to Lagos, Port Harcourt ,Abuja and all the major cities; attended five-star performances at Muson Centre and Tera Kulture; danced at the hottest nite clubs all over the country; and dined regularly at the Moorhouse, Transcorp Hilton,Kingsize, Sheraton,St. Elmos,you name it !"

"Wow" said the Ten Naira note: "You've really had an exciting life!"

"So tell me," said the One Thousand note: "where have you been in your lifetime?"

The Ten Naira note replied: "Oh, I've been to the Apostolic Church, Methodist Church, the Redeemed Christian Church, Deeper Life Bible Church, Baptist Church, Anglican Church, The Roman Catholic Church, Household of God....."

The One Thousand Naira note exclaimed, "Hey,what's a Church ? !"

My dear friends,please let's help the N1,000 note know what a Church is.Beginning from next Sunday, endeavour to add at least one N1000 note to your Church offering.May God enrich us with the spirit of giving,in Jesus' name.

1 comment:

you 'gree ?